Chilling thoughts churning through
My mind in everlasting illusion, it feels
Hopeful platitudes repealed
Slowly repelled outwards
Subsiding feelings in the outmost
Of my limbs
Drifting towards darkness it seems
Body ripping at the seams
Vision blurry and it seems
My life is ending at the scene
If it ends as I look at this scene
I don’t mind. Magnificence is the theme
The pale blue marble glistening. I feel esteemed
To witness the marvel that is our home
From such a distance… shit, I hear a light drone
Air is escaping into the vacuum
Even the air is fighting to be free I assume
I’ll be happy, as I’d achieved my freedom from gravity
And had enjoyed such beauty, despite every body cavity…bleeding
I’ll float here and enjoy the scene in
Peace. Thank God I’m not careening.
B e a u t i f u l…
P e a c e f u l…
B r e a t h – t a k i n g…
Goodbye earth… I’m glad your beauty I got to taste
“Hang in there, sir! We’re pulling you in, post-haste”